Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sunday or Saturday... does it matter??

Woke up and thought it was Sunday.. sooo damn hot.. well, technically I'm the one who is hot (doesnt sound right).. having fever in the morning.. migrain afterwards..

Thought of thinking to go to Sunburst!! but again, the money I dun know where to get.. Working isnt enough!! tomorrow would be the last day for the early price.. ermm.. still thinking...

Went and find some stuff for my sister's wed today.. makes me thinking of my ambition of becoming the mak andam for weddings.. Well, I do love things that makes me smile in the end.. I love weddings.. But that's my plan in future.. not now!

My room will be change tomorrow.. no more teenagers life.. damn! I'm old... all my sister's fault..

Anyways, I have soo much of imagination now days.. But again, one step at a time.. and I realised I forgot to go to Seafield.. what the heck.. I'm leaving from that college soon.. ;)

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